Categories: Gum Disease

Improving Your Gum Health

Having healthy teeth and healthy gums are an important part of maintaining optimal oral health. Columbia dentist Dr. Ray Becker encourages patients to visit Howard County Smiles at least twice a year for a preventive care visit. Preventive care visits help Dr. Becker identify any signs of gum disease, which can lead to other complex dental issues like loose teeth and tooth decay.

Gum disease is an infection of the tissue that supports your gums and teeth, which can lead to other dental issues like tooth decay and loose teeth. It is imperative that you treat gum disease as soon as possible to prevent any further damage to your smile.

Preventive Dental Care in Columbia, MD

Dr. Becker recommends patients visit his Columbia dental office at least twice a year for preventive care visits. Preventive care allows Dr. Becker to perform a comprehensive exam, which helps him properly check your mouth, teeth, gums, and jaw to identify any complex dental issues.

A dental exam with Dr. Becker typically includes:

  • Digital dental x-rays
  • Other diagnostic dental imaging
  • Screening for gum disease, tooth decay, and oral cancer
  • Occlusal analysis and examination of temporomandibular joints (TMJ)

Patients will also receive a professional dental cleaning, which removes plaque and bacteria that normal brushing and flossing can not reach. To help prevent gum disease, practice an excellent oral hygiene routine by brushing and flossing regularly and visiting Dr. Becker twice a year from preventive care exams.

Symptoms and Treatment For Gum Disease

The symptoms of gum disease can vary. Some patients may not experience any symptoms of gum disease and may not see the reason to visit the dentist. However, regular visit Dr. Becker helps patients catch a complex dental issue early and gives them the best chance of responding to treatment. Other patients, however, may experience these onsets of symptoms:

  • Swollen gums
  • Bleeding gums
  • Bad breath or bad taste
  • Shifting or loose teeth
  • Receding gums
  • Tooth sensitivity

Periodontal Therapy

General dentist Dr. Becker offers a range of periodontal therapy and gum disease treatments, depending on the advancement and severity of your gum disease. Our Ellicott city dental office is committed to providing comfortable, comprehensive, and state of the art dental service. Dr. Becker uses advanced technology like dental lasers to minimize recovery time and limit the amount of bleeding and swelling in the gums.

  • Scaling and Root Planing: This treatment is usually performed during the early stages of gum disease called gingivitis. This is a deep cleaning technique that removes plaque and tartar using hand scalers and/or ultrasonic instruments.
  • Periodontal Laser Treatment: Minimizes bleeding and the amount of recovery time by using state of the art lasers to eliminate infected gum tissue.
  • Gum Grafting: Using the healthy tissue to repair areas affected by gum recession.
  • Crown Lengthening Surgery: Can help the teeth appear longer and remove excess gum tissue.
  • Periodontal Plastic Surgery: Helps improve the appearance of damaged gum tissue.

At Howard County Smiles, we are dedicated to preventive dentistry and helping patients maintain a healthy, functional smile. You can schedule an appointment at Howard County Smiles in Columbia, MD online or call (410) 415-9013 today.

Published by
Dr. Ray Becker

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