Dr. Ray Becker provides root canal treatment to his patients in Columbia, MD. A root canal is a routine treatment needed when patients have tooth decay within one or more teeth. Tooth decay is caused by bacteria buildup on and around the teeth. These bacteria can cause a lot of damage if they enter the tooth. The nerves and blood vessels are in the center of the tooth, or tooth chamber. If decay reaches the dental pulp, then the pulp will need to be removed to preserve the tooth.
Root Canal Q&A
Read answers to frequently asked questions to learn more about this general dental treatment:
How do I know if I need a root canal?
Root canals are needed for patients with severe tooth decay. The most common signs of a dental infection include:
- Severe toothaches and tooth pain
- Tooth sensitivity to hot and cold
- Gum swelling
- Tooth discoloration
- Visible pits or holes in the teeth
Call our office and we will determine if a root canal is a right option for you. Dr. Becker takes a comprehensive approach to treatment. He will examine your smile and take x-rays to find the areas of your smile that require care.
What happens during root canal treatment?
To begin, Dr. Becker will apply a local anesthetic to the treated tooth. This ensures that patients will not feel any pain during treatment. Then, he will make a small hole in the tooth. Through this hole, he will remove the infected dental pulp. Once the tooth is clean, disinfected, and pulp-free, Dr. Becker will use an adhesive cement to seal the tooth. To minimize pain during the healing process, Dr. Becker will recommend a soft diet and prescribe pain medication.
Are root canals painful?
No, Dr. Becker and his team ensure that patients are comfortable during their root canal treatment. Dr. Becker uses a local anesthetic to numb the treated area. He will also use dental sedation. Sedation is a safe treatment method that relaxes patients for pain-free care. Receiving a root canal also alleviates the pain caused by tooth decay. We will make sure that your healing process goes smoothly and will often recommend pain medication following the procedure.
Do I need a dental filling after a root canal?
Yes, once your root canal treatment is complete, we will provide you with a temporary filling. However, patients will need a permanent filling within six weeks of their root canal. Some patients may also require a dental crown. Crowns are porcelain ceramic caps that add strength to weakened teeth. Dental crowns also create a more stable and even bite for patients with worn teeth.
Contact Howard County Smiles Today
If you are a new patient of Dr. Becker, call (410) 415-9013. Current patients may call (410) 730-4674. Feel free to schedule a dental appointment with Dr. Becker on our website. Please feel free to ask any remaining questions you may have at your next dental visit. Dr. Becker and his team will be happy to help you.